A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / wards / damage to objectives etc. pies tfblade / Platinum 3 42LP / 69W 66L Win Ratio 51% / Tryndamere - 22W 18L Win Ratio 55%, Jax - 14W 9L Win Ratio 61%, Nasus - 13W 6L Win Ratio 68%, Malzahar - 6W 2L Win Ratio 75%, Dr. Mundo - 4W 2L Win Ratio 67% Solo/Duo This feature is not available right now. TFBlade Cordobés / Gold 4 90LP / 42W 32L Win Ratio 57% / Irelia - 20W 23L Win Ratio 47%, Sion - 13W 12L Win Ratio 52%, Gnar - 13W 9L Win Ratio 59%, Shen - 13W 7L Win Ratio 65%, Vayne - … TF Blade3 / Diamond 4 68LP / 93W 80L Win Ratio 54% / Akali - 16W 15L Win Ratio 52%, Kai'Sa - 15W 8L Win Ratio 65%, Jax - 8W 8L Win Ratio 50%, Riven - 8W 5L Win Ratio 62%, Irelia - …
Real-time LoL Stats! • Requested: 5593 secs ago.
CHALLENGER Tryndamere Goes Into IRON! Check your Summoner, Live Spectate and using powerful global League of Legends Statistics! Real-time LoL Stats! I'll be back streaming again soon, but for now I'll be uploading a new video every day just for the YouTube boys!
Follow me! This game was so much fun! Updated: 8092 secs ago. Check your Summoner, Live Spectate and using powerful global League of Legends Statistics! TF Blade / / Lv. TF BLADE NA / Platinum 4 94LP / 125W 133L Win Ratio 48% / Yasuo - 23W 20L Win Ratio 53%, Zed - 21W 21L Win Ratio 50%, Thresh - 15W 12L Win Ratio 56%, Jax - 16W 8L Win Ratio 67%, Irelia - … 30. Real-time LoL Stats! Check your Summoner, Live Spectate and using powerful global League of Legends Statistics! Ashkan "TF Blade" Homayouni is a League of Legends esports player, currently substitute top laner for Team Liquid Academy and substitute staff at Team Liquid. Jay Sea 925,136 views Please try again later.
HARD Smurfing - League of Legends | Iron IV to Diamond Ep #26 - Duration: 24:31. TF Blade / Platinum 4 16LP / 276W 281L Win Ratio 50% / Lee Sin - 36W 37L Win Ratio 49%, Sejuani - 38W 30L Win Ratio 56%, Thresh - 31W 26L Win Ratio 54%, Blitzcrank - 27W 23L Win Ratio 54%, Pyke - 25W 23L Win Ratio 52%