One minute they are fighting the next they are deciding to live happily ever after. She later kisses Turnip head (the scarecrow) and he goes back to the form of a prince and she turns out to be a his true love, but as Howl awakens she seems to forget about this. going splat on the ground) and entered into an arrangement whereby Calcifer shared Howl's heart (which … How did michael, martha, lettie and howl assume sophie was the old woman in question? It is affected by her feelings which is why her love for Howl, and his returning of that love eventually broke the curse and why she changes appearance multiple times. 6. So I will say this for the movie, it does a great job at showing Howl and Sophie falling in like love, with the book everything just happens so abruptly. How early did Howl start to fall in love with Sophie?
Howl rescued him from the usual fate of falling stars (ie. Movie. The war I believe started when someone (maybe the witch of the wastes) put a curse on the King's son, and thinking he had been kidnapped by his neighboring country started the war. Does the witches' curse mean that once Howl falls in love with "a woman true and fair" - she can lay claim to his heart? When Sophie realizes she’s fallen for Howl & finds out he’s known about the curse all along, and she basically kicks the castle door down, ready to fucking murder, and Howl says “Do you want the shutters black and gold too?” is like.DKGJJGjdfjke bitch as if she was that pissed about some shutters. It doesn't make sense, how they pieced it together that Sophie Hatter was the Old Sophie?
She kisses Howl on the lips when he is weakened and still in his giant bird monster thing state...but it seems he did not remember or even realize she kissed him. Eventually Howl falls for Sophie and the pair decide to marry…the end.
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