Entry requirements. We are constantly making choices and decisions. The master's specialisation Economic and Consumer Psychology consists of three main parts: the mandatory and elective courses, a thesis and an internship. EU Fees EUR 2,143. Economic and Consumer Psychology (ECP) Marret Noordewier Coordinator ECP 2019-2020. Master Economic Consumer Psychology, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 60 ECT. Course. Economic and Consumer Psychology. Admission and Application Are you interested in studying the Economic & Consumer Psychology master's programme at Leiden University? 2018-2019. Marketing faculty UNDERGRADUATE; PARENTS; SUBJECTS; FINANCIAL INFORMATION; POSTGRADUATE; ADVISORS; NEED HELP; Home; Study; Economic and Consumer Psychology. Type of Degree MSc.
Master. Economic and consumer behaviour is to a large extent social behaviour, which means that understanding social cognition is essential to understanding economic and consumer behaviour. Find out how to apply by following the step-by step guide in the application and admission section. Level Master. This course provides advanced knowledge of social cognition … Economic and consumer behaviour is to a large extent social behaviour, which means that understanding social cognition is essential to understanding economic and consumer behaviour. 1.The program 2.Other important issues • Must reads for ECP students • Colloquia and career day • Taking responsibility and planning • Student representatives • To do today 3.
Please read more information about the programme structure. Economic and Consumer Psychology is een van de specialisaties van de masteropleiding Psychology.. Kijk bij Functies naar mogelijke functies en werkgevers en bij Handige links naar informatie die relevant is voor de opleiding en de arbeidsmarkt.. Kijk voor uitgebreide informatie over het masterprogramma van Economic and Consumer Psychology op de Mastersite. 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 Description. Economic and Consumer Psychology. The master’s specialisation Economic and Consumer Psychology trains students for a wide range of positions in public or private organisations, including: Policy researcher; Communication consultant; Marketing professional; Public relations officer; Market research analyst; Advertising researcher Subject Behavioural and Social Sciences, Economics. Description. The Leiden programme in Economic and Consumer Psychology has a core curriculum with a focus on the integration of psychological and economic theories and practice. Country Netherlands. Students need to do an internship of 10 or 20 ECTS. The program. A 10-ECTS internship has to be supplemented by two elective courses. Course. The Economics and Psychology master program is a joint initiative of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the University Paris Descartes.Research-oriented training in the master is supported by the Paris School of Economics.. Psychology: Economic and Consumer Psychology. All 60 ec of the first-year in Psychology obtained. You will be trained as a science-based practitioner for the private and public sector - You wil learn how and why people make certain (EC) choices and … REQUEST Course Information. 1.The program 2.Other important issues • Must reads for ECP students • Colloquia and career day • Taking responsibility and planning • Student representatives • To do today 3. The programme provides students with in-depth knowledge of the field by emphasizing general principles that underlie economic and consumer behaviour. REQUEST Course Information.