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Du bist Amazon Prime Nutzer? Pro-Ject’s Stream Box S2 Ultra is a nifty little product with lots of applications. En stock En stock. The coaxial S/PDIF input takes all data from a digital transport such as the CD Box DS2 T. The Pre Box S2 sits on four rounded rubber feet. The Pre Box S2 Digital marks a new era for Pro-Ject's S-series components; for the very first time they are using a dual mono configuration with the highest class D/A converters of ESS Sabre whose flagship DAC chip ensures highest class audio in a small and affordable pack-age. The Pre Box S2 Digital is part of the S2 line of micro-component products from Austrian manufacturers Pro-Ject Audio and it positioned under their Box Design brand.
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Le Pro-Ject Pre Box S2 Digital a été conçu par un ingénieur réputé et bien connu des audiophiles, John Westlake, créateur aussi du très réputé MDAC en 2011 (AUDIOLAB).
Excellente conception des circuits, convertisseurs de pointe (une puce ES9038Q2M par canal !!)
The S2 Digital is a flexible piece of kit, fulfilling a multitude of briefs for a sky-high value quotient. Pro-Ject Pre Box S2 Digital DAC Jon Iverson | Jan 9, 2018 Built around the ESS Sabre ESS9038 dual DAC chip, the $399 S2 also has full MQA processing, up to DSD 512 and 24/192 PCM, 7 selectable digital filters, jitter claimed as low as 100 femtoseconds, and headphone jack. Further information: Pro-Ject Setup I asked Buzz Goddard, Pro-Ject's stateside rep, about the Pre Box S2 Digital's Distortion Compensate/Disabled option and its Optimum Transient filter. It also is the first product to come with replaceable tubes for … … Fantastisk lyd til prisen
This way you can simply pick your Stream Box S2 Ultra in the Roon interface and send bit-perfect audio streams to it over your network. For the very first time we are using a dual mono configuration with the highest class D/A converters of ESS Sabre. The input is thus based on FET transistors, and two ECC83 interchangeable tubes are aged for amplification. Pro-Ject Pre Box S2 Digital (noir) Micromega MyDAC. The Tube Box S2 is Pro-Ject's very first product to feature a fully discreet circuit design without using any operational amplifiers (OpAmps). Prodotti. Jetzt freischalten. … PRE BOX S2 DIGITAL : Préamplificateur Compacte Numérique Prenant en Charge le format MQA et DSD512.
That in itself makes the Pro-Ject box a good choice. Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Streamer musicale di rete Audiogamma. There is not much to be said about the technical structure of the device. Le Pre Box S2 Digital marque une nouvelle ère pour les composants de la série S. Pour la toute première fois, Pro-Ject utilise une configuration dual mono avec les convertisseurs D/A les plus performants d'ESS Sabre. livraison incl. Pro-Ject Phono Box S2 noir. The S2 Digital is a flexible piece of kit, fulfilling a multitude of briefs for a sky-high value quotient. Three digital inputs ensure to connect to any source available, be it a personal computer via the asynchronous XMOS USB B input or a TV set via the optical input. When the upgrade itch strikes, repurpose rather than sell-on.