michael burnham spock

michael burnham spock

His father greets him by apologizing for his crappy son’s stupid emotions. Sep 26, 2017, 10:31 pm* Internet Culture

They say there's a taxi that's been riding the streets of San Francisco since the great quake of 1906.

In the present, Sarek confessed he had an ulterior motive in fostering Michael Burnham in her youth. Michael Burnham/Spock; Michael Burnham; Spock (Star Trek) Number One (Star Trek) Christopher Pike; Mind Meld; Canon Divergence; Angst; Summary. Amanda's thoughts and feeling about her ward, Michael Burnham, are put into perspective following a near death experience when the Logic Extremists bomb the learning center in an attempt to kill Michael and Spock. Michael Burnham (adopted sister) Significant other: Nyota Uhura (Reboot films) Origin: Vulcan: Spock is a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise. Michael Burnham/Spock; Michael Burnham; Spock (Star Trek) Number One (Star Trek) Christopher Pike; Mind Meld; Canon Divergence; Angst; Summary. While there is little doubt that Spock and Michael Burnham are distinct and unique personalities, there are parallels worth exploring.
Why have we never heard about Michael Burnham before?

Star Trek: Discovery's hero Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) may be a human, but she has a Vulcan upbringing. One of the most unique poetic rhyming parallels – and the one that has serious consequences for Spock and Burnham – is that both characters commit mutiny for what they believe is a higher purpose. Michael Burnham/Spock; Michael Burnham & Spock; Spichael; Michael Burnham; Spock (Discovery) First Time; Loss of Virginity; Supernatural Elements; Starfleet Academy; Summary. Michael Burnham teams up with Spock to tackle an alien leviathan in the first 'Star Trek: Discovery' tie-in novel. After the death of his mother, Sybok was raised by Sarek as a half-brother to Spock. Michael Burnham (adopted sister) Significant other: Nyota Uhura (Reboot films) Origin: Vulcan: Spock is a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise. Michael Burnham was the central protagonist of Star Trek: Discovery.. She was portrayed by Sonequa Martin-Green, who previously played Sasha Williams in The Walking Dead.. Michael was the daugter of Mike and Gabrielle Burnham.As a young girl she had been apparently orphaned after a Klingon raid on the facility where her parents were working.
This is the question Star Trek fans have been asking ever since Star Trek: Discovery first … This is the question Star Trek fans have been asking ever since Star Trek: Discovery first … Michael Burnham is no stranger to emotional distress but her behavior in "Brother" was markedly different from the turmoil she went through as she coped with the ramifications of being Starfleet's first mutineer who caused the Klingon War.This time, Michael was both scared and anxious at the possibility of seeing Spock again, but when he didn't materialize aboard the Discovery, she was …

The actress playing young Michael looks to be about 10. Created by Bryan Fuller, Alex Kurtzman.

Eventually, he gets up, only to reject Burnham's handshake and slam his bedroom door in her face. Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien. In the present, Sarek confessed he had an ulterior motive in fostering Michael Burnham in her youth.

Sybok was a revolutionary, who sought experience and knowledge that were forbidden by Vulcan beliefs.



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