miramonti sky house

miramonti sky house

Das Miramonti Boutique Hotel schmiegt sich an den Haflinger Bergrücken … The MIRAMONTI Boutique Hotel is a place with soul factor.
Wir checken schon mal die nächsten Reise-Termine. La Sky House del Miramonti Boutique Hotel è un cubo di legno in stile nordico, sospeso nel vuoto e ancorato a sbalzo con degli appositi sostegni alla roccia della montagna che sovrasta l’hotel. Proprio sopra Merano, incorniciato dalla montagna di Avelengo si trova il Miramonti Boutique Hotel. It is equipped with a sleeping room in the basement and a big living room on the first floor with magnificent views of the Meraner Berge. Progetto: Sky House – Miramonti Boutique Hotel Luogo: Avelengo (Bolzano), Italia Anno: 2019 Tipologia: Hotel Progetto completo: TARA architetti – Heike Pohl, Andreas Zanier, Merano (Bolzano) Foto: Tiberio Sorvillo Fornitura: vasca Aquarius, piatto doccia Campo, top lavabo con lavabi Triade Evolution 3 S e ripiano sotto lavabo tutto in DuPont™ Corian® Ash Concrete. Mai eröffnet das Miramonti Boutique Hotel seinen Ganz-Jahres-Infinity Pool mit 32 Grad warmen Salzwasser und Unterwassermusik, der fünf Meter über den Steilhang hinausragt. Gaze at the mountains as you swim in the indoor pool. Or simply spend time on a day bed in the relaxation area, perched high on the rocks, and enjoy the view. Hard to find. The spa at Miramonti brings the outdoors inside – and vice versa.
The independent wooden cube floats above the roofs of the MIRAMONTI and hangs with 6 hauling ropes without columns in the porphyry rock wall. Am 5.

Sky House In 2019 Miramonti has established a new spectacular Sky House above the main building. 8,681 were here. Choose from Finnish and ‘rock-bio’ saunas, and discover the hotel’s signature treatment – forest therapy. sky house new The Sky House in Nordic design can be reached via the bridge on the 4th floor.

05.06.2017 - Noch eine Gleichung, die immer aufgeht: Pool und Berge. Hard to forget. Then step outside for a steam bath amid the snowy peaks. Grand Hotel Miramonti shows up in the most central, sunny and quite zone, located in the most beautiful spot at Passo del Tonale, right next to the ski lifts.

Projekt: Miramonti Boutique Hotel Ort: Hafling (Bozen), Italien Jahr: 2018 Typ: Hotel Projekt Inneneinrichtung: TARA Architekten – Heike Pohl, Andreas Zanier, Meran (Bozen) Foto: miramontiboutiquehotel Lieferung: Maßanfertigung der Waschtische in Corian® Glacier White mit Aufsatzbecken Triade 1.



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