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Immanuel Kant described it as the motto of the Enlightenment in … Rate 1000s of pictures of tattoos, submit your own tattoo picture or just rate others Email to friends . sapere audē "Have the courage to think for yourself" "Have courage to use your own reason", in the context of committing to tasks that need to be embarked upon, however unpleasant or awkward. This saying has been used on the crest of many schools. Share our service in any social network, to activate all the fonts. Enlightenment motto "Sapere aude" is tattooed in the upper back. Ouch. "Sapere aude" is only two words. Dare to know or dare to be wise. This you will help the development of our service. Views this week: 3: This month: 9: All time: 6534: Favorites: 1: Comments: 2: Uploaded by _twiggy on August 13, 2008 This tattoo is set to Public ←prev. A Christian couple with matching cross symbol tattoos to associate with their faith Some Christians take issue with tattooing, upholding the Hebrew prohibition (see below). After the tattooing, I came home to finish some work around the house before going to St P's for the celebration of the Rector's 25th anniversary of ordination. Tattoo fonts generator online.
Bekannt wurde der Ausspruch aber vor allem durch den Philosophen Immanuel Kant, der ihn zum Leispruch der Aufklärung machte und als Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen! It's a pretty good idea, just get ready to have … report this pic as inappropriate. Sapere: comes from latin "to be wise" (can also mean "to taste" or "have a pleasant flavor" - "to be wise or discerning" - this word is also related to savory, sapien (as in homo sapien" and sage (wise person, not the herb)." Sapere aude ist eine lateinische Wortfolge, die auf den antiken Dichter Horaz zurückgeht und sich mit wage es, weise zu sein übersetzen lässt. Share our service in any social network, to activate all the fonts.
Usage notes . rawwrjem said ... Tattoo Pic Stats. Fans (1) cizatherine; Comments (2) grandmaha47 said on May 22, 2009 cute. These phrases pretty much mean the same thing. Sapere Aude tattoo Sapere Aude - "Dare to be wise" The red A is a symbol for 'atheist'. This you will help the development of our service.
Sapere Aude. PH's suggestion is a lot more tattooing.