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On the other hand, if you buy from your hotel or one of the travel agents in Thamel, you are looking to pay USD 185-200. Kathmandu Lukla Flight. But if you calculate everything like risks, remoteness etc, you will realize that the price of Kathmandu – Lukla flight is fare enough.

Send as an e-mail. The price chart above shows the lowest 2-way flight prices from Kathmandu to Lukla for each month. Kathmandu-Lukla flight offers the spectacular view of 18 highest peaks among which 4 of them are above 8,000m (subject to clear weather). Key Points for Helicopter Flight from Kathmandu to Lukla – Weather is unpredictable at Lukla. Yetiairlines is one of the leading domestic airlines in Nepal offers daily flight to many destinations from Kathmandu to Pokhara, Bharatpur, Bhairahawa, Nepalgunj, Janakpur, Tumglingtar, Biratnagar, Bhadrapur, Lukla, Annapurana Express Mountain Flight & Everest Express Mountain flight.
Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Save Upto 50% on your flights The best Way to find trips in Nepal. ... cheapest price starts from . No of Passengers . Print current page. Print whole topic. NEPFLIGHTS.COM The best way to find trips in Nepal. Welcome to Smile Travels Agency in Kathmandu.

However, booking a roundtrip flight is a simpler process.

Time zone in Kathmandu is : GMT+05:30 . There is usually no major price difference between buying a roundtrip flight versus a one-way flight. You may get frustrated waiting long for tickets. 7.3k … Show all posts for this topic. Tara Air along with Yeti Airlines Offers the Widest Network in Nepal.

Kathmandu to Lukla and Lukla to Kathmandu Flights Scheduled Lukla is the place where the majority of the visitors make their bumpy but spectacular landing half-way up a mountain side.

Flight from Kathmandu to Lukla takes about 35 minutes through Trans-Himalayan route of Nepal. If you wish to have a private trip, the charter cost will be US$2900. It takes 30 minutes of scenic flight from Kathmandu to reach Lukla via aircraft. For Nepali citizen, the flight fare for Kathmandu Lukla costs RS 6,280 and 140 USD for Indian citizen. Hi, At the beginning of this year, the price was USD156 one way.

Flight offers from Kathmandu to Lukla. Kathmandu to Lukla Flight Ticket Booking, Flight Fare, Cost, Schedule, Price, Distance and Reservation Info . Print current page. You may get frustrated waiting long for tickets. Contact +977-9851032316

Flight from Manthali Airport to Lukla. Increased flexibility is the main benefit when it comes to buying a one-way flight from Kathmandu to Lukla. Key Points for Helicopter Flight from Kathmandu to Lukla – Weather is unpredictable at Lukla. Skyscanner is a fast and simple travel search engine that helps you to find cheap flights and great prices on flights from Kathmandu to Lukla. Thorn Tree forum Country forums Indian Subcontinent Nepal. Mit Jetcost finden Sie günstige Flüge und Low-Cost-Flüge von Kathmandu nach Lukla mit nur einem Klick: Innerhalb von wenigen Sekunden können Sie die Preise von Flugtickets der besten Fluggesellschaften und Online-Reisebüros vergleichen. Kathmandu, Nepal - Tribhuvan is the most popular connection for one stop flights between Kathmandu, Nepal and Lukla In-Flight information The average flying time for a direct flight from Kathmandu, Nepal to Lukla is 0 hour 30 minutes



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