Rezumat Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster) a căutat răspunsuri toată viața. Our goal is to collaborate with other fans in order to build a reliable, accurate resource with as much detailed information as possible about current movies, as well as those of the past and those that are planned or in production. Beware, this Wiki contains spoilers for all Marvel Cinematic Universe related media! Contact ist ein australischer Dokumentarfilm aus dem Jahr 2009, der sich auf ein Ereignis aus dem Jahr 1964 bezieht. The Contact ist das mit zahlreichen Preisen ausgezeichnete Mainstream-Debüt des koreanischen Independent-Regisseurs Chang Yoon-hyun. The Jane Goodall Institute wants to hear from you! We are more committed than ever to fulfilling our mission and advancing … Contact) je američka drama iz 1997. Wikipedia è un'enciclopedia online, libera e collaborativa.. Grazie al contributo di volontari da tutto il mondo, Wikipedia è disponibile in oltre 290 lingue. Despite the complications, Star Trek: First Contact wrapped production on 2 July 1996 (two days over schedule), with the flashback that opened the film. Hovedrollen spilles av Jodie Foster mens andre sentrale roller spilles av Matthew McConaughey, James Woods, Tom Skerritt og John Hurt.Regi er ved Robert Zemeckis.. Contact is een sciencefictionfilm uit 1997 uit de Verenigde Staten, gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek Contact uit 1985 van Carl Sagan.De regie is van Robert Zemeckis en Jodie Foster heeft de hoofdrol als astronoom Eleanor Ann "Ellie" Arroway. Contact este un film SF din 1997 regizat de Robert Zemeckis, fiind o adaptare cinematografică a romanului omonim al lui Carl Sagan. Contact us with your feedback, inquiries and requests. Contact es una película estadounidense de 1997 de ciencia ficción y drama dirigida por Robert Zemeckis.Es una adaptación cinematográfica de la novela del mismo nombre escrita por Carl Sagan en 1985.. Jodie Foster es la protagonista del film, como la Dra. Premier contact ou L'Arrivée au Québec (Arrival) est un film de science-fiction américain réalisé par Denis Villeneuve, sorti en 2016 [1].Le scénario, écrit par Eric Heisserer, est adapté d'une nouvelle de Ted Chiang, L'Histoire de ta vie (Story of Your Life) parue en 1998.. Search 1000s of wikis or start your own wiki free. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
We hope that you will add to the site! all wikis wikipedia only people's wikis only encyclopedias only add a wiki search within your own wiki contact Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Jane Goodall Institute USA office is closed. Damals kam eine Gruppe von Aborigines der Martu erstmals in Kontakt mit der Zivilisation.. Der Film basiert auf dem Buch Cleared Out: First Contact in the Western Desert von Sue Davenport, Peter Johnson und Yuwali. Kontakt (originaltittel Contact) er et amerikansk science fiction-drama fra 1997 basert på Carl Sagans roman med samme navn fra 1985. All are welcome to join in and contribute here, so long as edits are constructive, discussions are positive, and both are relevant to the film industry.