The Jung Typology Test (also known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a personality indicator designed to assist a person in identifying significant personal attributes. Band 6: Psychologische Typen. The Jung personality type test is the most used professional personality test, and has been for decades. Its results give you a good overview of your personality and behavior. Walter-Verlag, 1995, ISBN 3-530-40081-5; Primärliteratur Isabel Briggs Myers: Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type. Our test is one of several ways to quantify interpretations of Jung's typology, similar but not identical , to the MBTI test (the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® MBTI), the Jung Type Indicator, and other such instruments. Here are the 16 personality types covered:
Welcome to the Typology Central Jung Personality Test.
What does your personality look like? Upon taking the test, you are categorized into one of the 16 preset Jung personality types. The JTPW™ instrument is copyrighted and is the intellectual property of Humanmetrics Inc. and its licensors. The Jung typology is the result of the work … Dtv, 2001, ISBN 3-423-35172-1. auch in: Gesammelte Werke. * Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™ instrument uses methodology, questionnaire, scoring and software that are proprietary to Humanmetrics, and shall not be confused with the MBTI®, Myers-Briggs® and/or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instrument offered by CPP, Inc. Humanmetrics is not affiliated with CPP, Inc. The Myers-Briggs personality test draws on this typology and ups it a notch. Jung typology tests Tests using the Jung typology model are widely used by organizations for assessment centers, team building, coaching and personal development. 20 Bände in 24 Teilbänden. This free personality test will allow you to obtain your four-letter type code according to Jung's typology as developed by Myers, Briggs, von Franz, and van der Hoop. The Jung personality test measures your preferences for dealing with and relating to people, processing information, making decisions and organizing your life. This free personality test uniquely combines two powerful systems for evaluating personality type – Jungian … This short guide, with some Jung Personality Typology Test is designed to determine personality type. You can then see how your Jung types match up with a potential employer's requirements. Davies-Black Publishing, 1995, ISBN 0-89106-074-X Inside, you’ll find your 4 letter Jungian typeand will be able to start making a difference today with practical, useful, and simple tips.
This instrument is based on Carl Jung’s well-known book Psychological Types.
Carl Gustav Jung: Typologie. However, Briggs and Myers-Briggs both took some liberties and added in their own personality indicators when creating their test.
Die Jung-Typologie ist das Ergebnis der Arbeit Carl Gustav Jungs, eines bedeutenden Schweizer Psychiaters, der die Jung’sche Psychologie begründete.Dies ist eines der weltweit etabliertesten und angesehensten Modelle für Persönlichkeit und Verhalten. There are no right or wrong answers, and is thus not considered a "test" but more of a self-examination. (1) Called the Jung Typology Test (not really a test), a free version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is available at Living and leaving your nursing legacy Medical browser ? Also, he established eight personality types from this dichotomy. Jung-Typologie.
The Jungian 16 Type Personality Test is designed to measure how you like to look at the world and make decisions.
Although you may not know it, Jung was the first to introduce the concepts of introversion and extraversion. The type indicator by Isabel Briggs Meyers is one example of this, although many versions, free and commercial, nowadays exist.
Jung typology test has become something that organizations have been using in order to assist with determining the different personality types where individuals are concerned.
There are many versions, though, and interpreting the results correctly is key.