STRING_CONFIG_H_AUTHOR is shown in the Marlin startup message, and is meant to identify the author (and optional variant) of the firmware.
Base Extrusion Width sets extrusion width for the base of the purge wall. Increase your extrusion multiplier until you're happy. Then to achieve a gap-free thin wall, set up a perimeter extrusion width that is just a tad less than an exact factor of the wall thickness (or adjust the design to make the wall an exact multiple of the default extrusion width).
Raft bleibt abgewählt. The size of this queue during printing is set by M301 L, limited by LPQ_MAX_LEN. Base Extrusion Width sets extrusion width for the base of the purge wall.
Base Pattern Length determines how widely spaced the lines of the base are. ( My CR-X is layer shifting and I need to tune the belts before I test software) Odds are the OP is closer to Simplify3D's default layer height of 0.25mm so an extrusion width below 0.4mm is really not recommended. die bahnbreite (also extrusion width) einstellen und den extrusion multiplier so lassen = breitere bahnen genauso gut gefüllt wie jetze und dann den extrusion miltiplier noch um 0.01 senken würde ich versuchen. Base Pattern Length determines how widely spaced the lines of the base are. Das Infill stelle ich auf 50% und ich will Supportstrukturen generieren. In other words, by matching flow speed and head speed. The main section of purge wall is printed as a line of diamond shapes formed by alternating zig zags. Wall Pattern Width sets the width of the diamonds. Base Pattern Width sets the width of the base. The purpose of this logic is to find the "native" flow that minimizes side forces during extrusion. Dann für mehr /weniger material nur noch am extrusion multiplier drehen, oder halt den eingestellten filamentdurchmesser. The extruder motor moves in linear proportion to all the other motors, maintaining exactly the same acceleration profile and start/stop points.
1 Blender Maßeinheit muss 1 mm entsprechen. ; Das Modell so drehen dass Überhänge möglichst vermieden/reduziert werden. Regarding S3D, it works if you use the Tools> dual extrusion wizard. The extrusion width is the distance between to adjacent extrusion lines (for example on the top or bottom part of the object). e.g. Wall Pattern Width sets the width of the diamonds. ; Das Modell so drehen und positionieren dass es gut von unten aufbauend gedruckt werden kann. The startup message is printed when connecting to host software, when the board reboots and M115.
Under default conditions, extruder axis movement is treated in the same way as the XYZ linear axes. When you set it to 0.48, you will have 0.48 mm between to lines. Use this setting as a way to uniquely identify all your custom configurations. Korrekt einstellen lässt sich der Abstand entweder durch ein automatisches Programm deines 3D-Druckers (nur bei bestimmten Modellen). I just haven't experimented enough yet to tell you. Meine Düse nimmt 3mm Filament auf und hat ein 0,5mm Hotend.
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