Wikipedia:Propuneri pentru liste de calitate. - Duration: 1:01. Asa ca te rog nu crea senzatia ca exista un fel de "trib" wikipedia, care apara paginile create de el de cei care vor sa spuna care este adevarul, adica sa corecteze greseli grave. The village children loved her story. Vaianas Boot ist 16 cm hoch, 13 cm lang und 13 cm breit.
Te Fiti, agora totalmente restaurada e a maldição destruída, acredita que Maui deve ser deixado para pedir desculpas por suas ações, o que ele faz. Soon, she mistakenly sails to the Te Fiti island, where Moana meets Maui again. Sub-power of Plant Manipulation and Plant Enhancement. Oi fi tu administrator, dar regulile se referă și la tine. Trivia Edit. Hawaiian civilization was isolated from the rest of the world for at least 500 years. Salut! Pacat de el si de pasiunea Dumneavoastra. He stole the heart of Te Fiti. Însă imi place la nebunie adevărul din ele.. SĂ ÎNVĂȚĂM SĂ NE EXPRIMĂM CORECT! Te asigur că vei reuşi şi în acelaşi timp nu vei stresa la maxim oamenii din jur care probabil ţin la tine şi care au şi ei propriile frustrări la care caută soluţii. Die Insel Te Fiti ist.
He causes Moana to fall off her ship. EXPRIMAREA CORECTĂ. 1:01. It is a sequel of the movie Moana from The Walt Disney Company. He started life almost drowning when his parents chose to discard him. He is known for his work on Celda 211 (2009), Ander (2009) and Sintonía (2005).
That history begins sometime between 124 and 1120 AD, when the islands were first settled by Polynesians. Maui is one of the main protagonists of the 2016 Disney film, Moana.
Dealtfel cartea lui Vasile Savonea e folosita ca sursa de citat in mai multe locuri in Wikipedia, acolo unde e vorba de arta naiva romaneasca.
The history of Hawaii describes the era of human settlements in the Hawaiian Islands.
—Andrei discuţie 7 noiembrie 2009 10:07 (EET) Each time I saw Moana it just always seemed so weird to me that Te Fiti, the very pure goddess who created the sprawling life across the world, would be …
The user can influence and accelerate the growth of plants causing flowers and other plants to bloom instantaneously, causing them to mature with supernatural speed, grow to unusual size, and produce in abundance. Born to human parents centuries before the events of the film. Nu poți bloca un editor pentru că tocmai ai chef de așa ceva.--Mazarin07 30 martie 2007 17:22 (EEST) Unde Dumnezeu mi-a dispărut indemnul de pe pagina sa de discutii?!
Conform WP:SÎ#Wikipedia, Wikipedia nu poate fi considerată o sursă de încredere. Nothing to do with their son, his parents throw him as an infant to the ocean and left to die, But was saved by the gods, who raised and granted Maui supernatural abilities, immortality, and a giant, magical fish hook that allows him to shape-shift. Maui is the one of the main characters and an antagonist of Moana. Elegateau Cakes 12,695 views. Fiti sigur ca asa cum l-ati conceput, redactat, decorat si asa cum definiti Dv. Nu știu cine a compus aceste rânduri, le-am gasit pe facebook. Legende. He imprisoned Moana in a cave. Moana - How Far I'll Go - … Josean Bengoetxea was born on September 4, 1964 in Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, País Vasco, Spain. The power to influence the growth of plant life. Nu ştiu dacă ai observat, dar nu prea am avut timp de nimic pe aici. Te rog să respecți regulile Wikipedia, care nu este moșia ta. Mersi! Wikipedia tinde sa devina un loc in care forma e mai importanta decat continutul.
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