The CEMS Alliance includes 30 full academic members around the world, each a top school in its country, and around 80 multinational companies and NGOs worldwide, that provide an unique blend of high quality education and professional experience. During term Term 1, you have to successfully complete a CEMS course in the field of strategy. 2 pages in total, i.e. Partner Universities: ARGENTINA. you are writing a paragraph for each school. The CEMS students attend a one-week intensive block seminar to kick-off the fall and take a CEMS core course in global strategy. 3 reasons why to choose CEMS. Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (Buenos Aires) Universidad Austral Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Buenos Aires) (PIM partner). One form is to be used for each mother tongue you declare. Are you a student from one of our CEMS partner schools? An integral part of the study is also an internship abroad. CEMS courses are taken both at NHH and during your exchange semester to a CEMS partner school. The UCT GSB is one of fewer than 100 business schools in the world to be triple-crown accredited and the only South African institution to offer the CEMS MIM programme. Please contact your coordinator at your home school for information on how to apply for a CEMS exchange stay at NHH through your home school and for details on which courses at NHH your school will approve in your master programme. Learn more about the CEMS Alliance. Study in Cape Town, South Africa’s most beautiful city, at a globally ranked business school with a world-class reputation.
All MIB students take global management practices, and choose from a selection of elective courses. During the CEMS year, one semester is spent at a CEMS partner school, while the other semester is typically spent at SSE.
Max. GLOBAL 32 CEMS Member Schools (1 university for each country is allowed, with the latest addition of the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business to the alliance) educate the best talents from all different parts of the world and backgrounds.Students spend a semester abroad at a CEMS partner university. Motivation of each of your 10 CEMS exchange partner school priorities.
The form is found on and you need a CBS login to access it. Prioritization of 10 CEMS exchange partner schools for your mandatory semester abroad. They spend either the fall or the spring semester at one of the CEMS partner schools. Mother tongue declaration(s). AUSTRALIA. You must pass CEMS courses accounting for 45 ECTS credits in the MIM programme; 30 ECTS credits in term Term 1 and 15 ECTS in term Term 2.
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